Social Justice Action Committee

Every successful social movement in this country’s history has used disruption as a key strategy to fight for social change.
— Alicia Garza


The Social Justice Action Committee believes in the fundamental human rights of all people and fights for policies that protect the persecuted and provide access to the under-served. We address political, educational, social and economic inequality, with an intersectional approach, a racial equity lens and an emphasis on women's, LGBT+ and minority rights. While we primarily work on campaigns affecting Hawaiʻi residents, we support and stand in solidarity with human rights campaigns across the United States and the world.

CONTACT And SIgn up for the Committee

Take Action

1. Find your legislators here.

2. Email + call your legislators and tell them you oppose the construction of any new jail or prison facility in Hawaiʻi. Restorative justice policies can reduce our incarcerated population while saving the state money and more effectively reducing crime.

Sign up with YPDA and learn how to organize around an issue and win a campaign. You too can make a difference.