Please vote, but also volunteer for political races

Hannah Liebreich, Executive Committee Co-Chair (2020-21)
From Honolulu Civil Beat


I’m a millennial living in Hawaii, a blue state, so it’s no surprise that I supported Bernie Sanders in the presidential primary election. I supported Sanders not because I’m part of the hardcore Bernie gang, but because his platform most aligns with my vision for the future.

When the crowded democratic presidential primary began, I knew I should support the victor, no matter the outcome. However, even after the national convention, I found myself dragging my heels. The Biden/Harris ticket isn’t my ticket.

I carry a lot of privilege, so it would be easy for me to vote third party, or even sit this election out. I have less to lose compared to my marginalized brothers and sisters. And I’m seeing a lot of that — privileged, often white folks who want to sit this election out until the “perfect” candidate comes around

But we can’t do that. We can’t abuse our privilege.

Read more.