The House committee on housing will be hearing several bills related to stimulating affordable housing. We support two of the bills and oppose one.
HB 123: Amends income tax credit for low-income household renters to adjust for inflation. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2017. Submit testimony.
HB 1462: Exempts housing projects where at least a portion of the units are set aside for persons and families with incomes at or below one hundred forty per cent of the area median income from county, highway, and school impact fees. Submit testimony.
HB 928: Exempts the development of affordable housing projects developed in the urban core by the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation from environmental assessment and environmental impact statement requirements. (We oppose this bill because, although it might stimulate low-income housing development, we feel that an environmental requirements are still crucial to intelligent development of any kind). Submit testimony.